someone that cannot love

Tuesday, February 10, 2009 | 6 Comments

You lodge your heart
You wake up with tears and stars in your eyes
You gave it all to someone that cannot love you back
Your days are passed
With wishes and hopes for the love that you've got
You wasted it all to someone that cannot love you back

Someone that cannot love, love
Ain't this enough?
You push yourself down
You try to take comfort in words, but words
They cannot love
Don't waste them like that
'cause they'll bruise you more

You secretly made
Castles of sand that you hide in the shame
But you cannot hold tides that break down
And you're building them all over again
You talk all this words
You make conversations that cannot be heard
How long until you notice that
No one is answering back?

Someone that cannot love, love
Ain't this enough?
You push yourself down
You try to take comfort in words, but words
They cannot love
Don't waste them like that
'cause they'll bruise you more
Love, love
Ain't this enough?
You're pushing around
You try to take comfort in words, but words
They cannot love
Don't waste them like that
'cause they'll bruise you more
Someone that cannot love

Someone that cannot love

Someone that cannot love, love
Ain't this enough?
You push yourself down
You try to take comfort in words, but words
They cannot love
Don't waste them like that
'cause they'll bruise you more

Love, love
Ain't this enough?
Pushing around
To find little comfort in words, but words
They cannot love
Don't waste them like that
'cause they'll bruise you more
Well they'll bruise you more
Words, they'll hurt you more
Words they'll hurt you more
Yes, they'll hurt you
Someone that cannot love
Someone that cannot love

6 comentários:

Anonymous said...

***** bjs grandes!

Anonymous said...

Words are special. Use them well and mean them. Don't waste them around.

Unknown said...

I hate this thing of anonymous people!!! GRRRRRRRRRRR!

Can't you be just real??? Like real people, with names and identity to say what you believe like other people???

Use a very importante word: your own name, for starters!

Cheers! and have a good evening both.

Unknown said...

Às vezes dá-me cá umas raivinhas!
Obrigada na mesma pelos beijinhos e desculpem lá qualquer coisinha, mas esta cena esquisita dos anónimos dá-me arrepios na espinha, o que querem.
Pessoas com vida a sério e nomes a sério e sentimentos a sério. É só isso que se pede por este estaminé. É só isso que se tem para dar por aqui. Imperfeição a rodos,argoladas e a esperança de que quem gostamos vá gostando também de nós. Mesmo aos solavancos.
Boa noite.
Hoje estou um bocado enervada. Desculpem.


Anonymous said...

Olá mulher de armas!
Os beijinhos eram meus, do Nuno :)
Tb não gramo nada anonimatos, portanto cá ficam ainda mais beijinhos, agora personalizados.
O outro comentário não faço ideia, mas soa a moral de algibeira de quem não te conhece pelos vistos! ;) lol
bjs grandes

Anonymous said...

Tinha de meter a colher, malta.
Eu cá prefiro olhar as pessoas pelos seus actos e esses dizem muito bem de ti. Para palavrinhas bonitas há por aí muita gente com jeitinho, mas depois a vida e os actos não batem certo com elas!
Love Ya!


Mei and Arawn