
Thursday, January 31, 2013 | 0 Comments

Your Attitude Determines Whether Or Not You'll Succeed 
 Dan Waldschmidt, Edgy Conversations | Jan. 19, 2013, 3:45 PM |

 “The results of your actions have little to do with what you are actually doing and almost everything to do with your attitude. Which is ironic because we spend most of our time creating lists and getting organized and listing resolutions about what we should be doing, forgetting that who we are being is much more important. That’s why we’re called human beings. Not human doings. Your life is full of things that you do. Your business and family and community demand that you do certain things. Some things you are shamed into doing. Other things you do because it makes other people happy or it makes you feel fulfilled or you get paid to do them. But doing can mask the hollowness of just going through the motions. Mindless repetition. Heartless action. Which is why your attitude is so important. If you believe that your best days are ahead of you, then you’ll find a creative solution to even the worst circumstance. If you believe that people aren’t intentionally trying to hurt you, then you’ll tend to give more second chances and receive them. If you believe that you are worth fighting for then you’ll find a way to keep going — no matter the effort required. You can put on a happy face temporarily when you’re in front of the right people, but your attitude is what determines the decisions that no one else sees until it’s too late. Your attitude is what ultimately determines if you achieve your goals or if you fall short. You can’t fake it. You can’t pretend like everything is okay. Your attitude colors the world around around you. It changes the sights and sounds. It makes you believe what you want to believe. So if what you want to see and hear and feel is hate and fear and frustration then chances are you’ll find it all too easily. But if you want to find the brightest parts of the universe around you, then that is what you will find. Your attitude will lead you there. You will be delighted in spite of troubling times and unfortunate circumstances. You’ll find hope and happiness while others mock and scorn. It’s your attitude the determines if you make it or if you just ended up being a loser. Be a better you.”

Lucia - Silence

Wednesday, January 30, 2013 | 0 Comments

Lucia Maria, I think I am in love with you! :D
When I first heard your voice, a tingle touched my heart.

Lucia Maria Popescu is an outstanding musical talent from Romania who is starting to create some major waves in her home country and beyond. The 17-year-old artist only has a few tracks released so far, but the quality of the tracks and her sheer musical prowess is what is drawing attention to the artist that has been dubbed the "Romanian Adele."
Her Facebook official Page :

I'm lost in my random thoughts and places, it's been a lonely travel
I've seen the sun eclipsing in the dark and it didn't mean a thing
Words they you know they win me over, each day with every letter
I hold a picture of you as a child, of way back when

And I've written about it, I've sing it and I shout it,
but I can't help to wonder why
You got my heart running faster, for worse and for better,
It's when I look into your eyes that I realize

I never told ya but it's when I hold ya
That I get the feeling you're truly, truly mine
Monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday

You're lovely to every single motion and you keep me far from the shadows
My feet refusing to touch the ground, ever since

But when you're turning the corner, winter goes warmer as I feel you closer by
You got my heart beating faster, my smile goes to laughter,
It's when I look into your eyes I realize

I never told ya but it's when I hold ya
That I get the feeling you are truly, truly mine
I never told ya but when I get to hold ya
I feel like I'm falling free in the back of my mind

Want you stay for a little while?
Want you stay?
Want you stay?
Monday, wednesday, thursday, friday, sunday

Parabéns a Nós! ❤

Tuesday, January 22, 2013 | 0 Comments

Parabéns meu amor, pelos nossos 21 anos de amor, companheirismo e aventuras.
Nós que nunca prometemos a eternidade, nós que não damos garantias, nós que não sabemos se seremos felizes para sempre. Estamos juntos e isso basta-nos.
Amo-te da mesma forma como respiro. E quando deixar de ter fôlego, sei que te vou amar com toda a força das minhas cinzas. Qualquer que seja o ponto no mundo onde estamos, a nossa casa é onde estamos juntos. E o amor é um lugar estranho. É um lugar onde nunca sabemos bem onde estamos. Mas isso pouco importa. Estamos juntos e isso basta-nos.

As almas têm este poder singular de se encontrarem, mesmo nas circustâncias mais improváveis. Mesmo contra a ordem cósmica ou à revelia dos deuses, sabíamos que o nosso lugar era este. Eu sabia que os teus olhos confiantes eram janelas para mundos a desvendar, tu sabias que o meu sorriso encheria de côr e alegria a tua vida. E estávamos juntos e isso bastava.

E a nossa história começou. Os deuses bem tentaram demover-nos, colocando tormentas no nosso caminho, testando-nos até aos limites da coragem. Onde tantos desistiram, a nós nada nos demoveu. O nosso amor enche-nos de rebeldia e de coragem. Somos jovens deuses enamorados pela vida, trazemos nos lábios o sabor inebriante das águas revoltas. Estamos juntos e isso basta-nos.

 Hoje continuamos a nossa demanda por terras incógnitas, aventuramo-nos uma vez mais pelo desconhecido adentro com uma certeza no olhar: estamos juntos e isso basta-nos. ❤

Da Humildade

Tuesday, January 15, 2013 | 2 Comments

Iniciei há algum tempo a luta contra um dos meus pecados capitais, o orgulho. Com essa reflexão, veio a tentativa de compreensão da humildade. Nunca antes tinha pensado tão a fundo na questão do auto-elogio e o quanto difere da auto-estima. O auto-elogio força o reconhecimento das nossas qualidades, a auto-estima é a capacidade de se confiar em si mesmo, nas suas qualidades e defeitos. E já viram como a modéstia difere da humildade? A primeira corresponde a minorar os méritos reais. A segunda corresponde a saber qual o seu mérito e a reconhecer as falhas, a ser real. A palavra vem de "humus", no latim “filhos da terra”, pois a humildade é algo que nos permite estar absolutamente conectados ao mundo como ele é e não como gostariamos que fosse. Uma forma de sabedoria que nos protege e que reforça o reconhecimento das nossas qualidades e auxilia na superação das falhas. Mostra-nos que estamos todos no mesmo barco. que precisamos uns dos outros e que precisamos de estar abertos a aprender. Deêm espaço para que os outros vos elogiem. Melhor ainda: deêm espaço para que gostem de vocês nas vossas qualidades e defeitos. Deêm espaço para aprender. Get real! :)

The Power of Love ❤

Tuesday, January 08, 2013 | 0 Comments

Destination: Sydney, Austrália

Friday, January 04, 2013 | 2 Comments

O primeiro dia do resto das nossas vidas já tem voo marcado: 
2 de março de 2013.


Mei and Arawn